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The Vitari MC Chain Bending Machines series has been conceived to produce the link bending in three distinct stages.
Each stage is controlled by a cam shaft that directly operates the bending slides, which allows a bigger, rigorous and more constant chain link forming. The central bending tools are also equipped with special polygonal rolls, which allow chain link forming without leaving surface marks or blemishes. The wire notching system considerably reduces the force needed during the cutting process and allows for a much-improved weld so that even high-tensile alloys, like those used for chain lifting, may be processed.
All the MC range of machines observes a rigorous safety standard to prevent sensitive parts from breaking. Moreover, these machines are equipped with a wire length control system to grant a constant geometry of the chain link form and a high output production level.

MC Series   MC 7 MC 11 MC 16 MC 22
WIRE Ø INPUT [mm] 3 ÷ 7 6 ÷ 11 8 ÷ 16 12 ÷ 22
LINK PITCH [mm] 9 ÷ 45 18 ÷ 70 21 ÷ 100 36 ÷ 120
MAX. SPEED [links/min] 100 70 60 40
M22 - MCU 22 Watch the video